Why Partner With A Weight Loss Coach After The Holidays

During the holidays, many of us stay at home with mugs of hot cocoa, we share meals with our families, we stay inside out of the cold, and we indulge in all that comes with the festive season. While this offers a great break from everyday life, once the holidays are over, it can leave some of us dissatisfied with our weight. Partnering with a weight loss coach can help you lose weight after the holiday season so that you can shed pounds in a smart, healthy, and sustainable way. Here are some of the reasons why partnering with a weight loss coach after the holidays is ideal.

The Benefits Of Working With A Weight Loss Coach This Winter

Lose The Holiday Weight
Right after the holidays, many people are up a few pounds. Most people tend to eat in greater quantities during the holiday while also indulging in rich, sugary foods and being sedentary more often. And let's not forget all of the empty calories consumed in the form of alcohol and sugary drinks. All of this contributes to added weight during the holiday season. A weight loss coach can help bring you back down to what you were before the holiday season and can help you learn how to prevent these weight fluctuations for future holidays.

Create A Sustainable Exercise Program
The gym is busiest after the new year when everyone has set their resolutions, but by the time February and March come around, the vast majority of these people aren’t showing up anymore. It’s fantastic to have a burst of motivation and the desire to improve yourself, but if you don’t have a realistic plan for how to do this or anyone to hold you accountable, it can be challenging to stick to your New Year's resolutions. When you partner with a weight loss coach, they will help you maintain motivation and stay on track with your weight loss program.

Set Realistic Expectations
When people rush to the gym after the holidays, many of them have grand dreams of dropping a lot of weight, but they either want to lose weight fast or they have no actual deadline. When this happens, people feel frustrated if they don’t see a difference and they tend to give up. When you partner with a weight loss coach, they will let you know if your goal weight is reasonable and healthy for the timeline you’ve chosen and they will help you set a goal weight and target date if you are taking a more general weight loss approach. Having a specific goal weight and timeline is instrumental to keeping up your motivation and monitoring your progress.

Be Ready For Summer
As you scrape the ice off your car every morning, it might feel like summer is far away, but it starts to warm up in only a few months. If you want to lose weight before summer hits, you need to get started on it now. Healthy weight loss is a slow progression, so if you start now, you’ll be able to see a difference by June.

Partner With A Weight Loss Coach This Winter

If you want to start a sustainable weight loss program that can help you lose weight in a healthy, sustainable manner, partner with a weight loss coach from Dreambody Fitness. Our weight loss coaches offer an empathetic and personalized approach to training and remind you that sustainable weight loss requires the right meal plans and weight loss workouts, as well as keeping a positive mindset in the face of weight loss plateaus. If you want to drop the holiday weight and keep it off all winter, call Dreambody Fitness at 1-403-612-3538 or fill out the online contact form.


Q: Do weight loss programs incorporate exercise routines?
A: To lose body fat sustainably, you will have to incorporate a healthy diet and weight-loss-specific workouts. Your personal trainer will customize a workout and meal plan that fits your needs.

Q: I only want to lose weight in my stomach, is that possible?
A: Unfortunately, there is no such thing as targeted weight loss. You cannot target certain areas of your body to lose more weight than others. With proper nutrition and exercise, you will be able to see results gradually show on your body as a whole.

Q: What is a healthy weight loss goal?
A: With proper nutrition and consistent workouts each week, a goal to lose 0.5-1.5 lbs per week is attainable without putting stress on your body. Your fitness trainer will discuss your weight loss goals with you prior to starting the program to make an attainable, healthy weight loss plan.

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