It's easy to come up with an excuse for why you don't feel like exercising. Knowing how to overcome those excuses is the real trick. Here are the top five excuses people usually use when skipping their workout and the solutions to them. 

While the benefits of exercise have been well documented over the years, only a small portion of us are getting the recommended 30 minutes we need every day. Usually what's standing in our way of achieving this is excuses or reasons for not working out that are easy to come up with. 

In our article this week, we list the top five excuses we often hear here at Dreambody and provide you with some easy solutions to overcome them.

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Top 5 Excuses for Not Exercising and How to Overcome Them

Everyone has excuses. But not everyone has the knowledge needed to overcome them. Because exercise is such a critical part of living a healthy and balanced life, we decided to drop some tips on how you can beat your excuses and get the important exercise you need. 

See if you're guilty of any of the following and use their corresponding solutions to get the work out your physical and mental health requires. 

1. I'm too tired to work out:
Did you know that exercise can actually boost your energy levels? In what is one of the strangest catch-22s, working out both makes you tired and energizes you. That's because it helps release chemicals in your brain, such as dopamine and serotonin, that make you feel better and more energetic. Some other solutions to overcome this excuse include working out with a friend to keep you committed and working out when you are most energetic during the day.

2. I can't afford a gym membership:
We get it, gym memberships can be expensive. But that doesn't mean you have to entirely forgo exercising. Search out a free online class and do it at home. Or you can try our online personal training, which provides greater customization and a unique and tailored fitness and nutrition plan for your specific needs. The cost is quite affordable. Other solutions include going for a walk around your neighbourhood or playing with your kids if you have some. 

3. I don't have time to exercise:
Aside from being too tired, this one tends to top the list of excuses for not working out. Here's a secret though, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. Instead of trying to find time to exercise, look at it as though you need to make time to exercise. Find a 30-minute block where you can devote yourself to personal betterment and get your workout in. Some other solutions to this problem include not watching any TV until you get your daily exercise or working out with your kids at a playground. They'll get some quality time with you, and you'll get the exercise you need. 

4. I'm too embarrassed to work out:
If you feel self-conscious about exercising or working out due to your age, weight, or physical ability and coordination, then taking the first step will be the hardest. As you progress and gain confidence, your previous fears will wilt away. Other tactics include swimming and cycling for those who are worried about the strain on their joints, working out with friends or in the privacy of your own home for those worried about their weight, and utilizing free training sessions at your local gym for those who are worried about looking clueless when using new gym equipment.

5. Exercising is boring and no fun:
Well, with that attitude, of course it is. The way to beat boredom and unfun workouts is easy though. Just try to find something you actually enjoy doing and look forward to, such as dancing or rec sports. It's also great to switch things up every now and then and institute some new fitness classes or methods like pilates and kickboxing into your exercise repertoire. You can also try inviting a friend to help keep things light and fun at the gym. 


It Starts and Ends With You

Either you can hide behind your excuses and continue to live a sedentary life that will put you at a higher risk for health problems, or you can use some of our solutions and kickstart your wellness and personal betterment journey today. It's up to you.

Should you happen to need a little extra motivation or guidance, please feel free to contact us today. We can put you on the path to physical and mental fitness, improving your life and happiness in the process.

Call Us Today

To find out more about our personal training programs and weight loss clinic — and how our personal trainers can help keep you fit, healthy, and happy even during these difficult times — contact us at 403-612-3538 or fill in our online contact form.

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