The Benefits Of A Personal Trainer When Recovering From Illness Or Injury

If you are recovering from an injury or illness and have been approved by your doctor to resume physical activity, it’s a good idea to start working with a personal trainer. Physical activity is an important part of recovery after illness or injury, as your body needs to rebuild strength. But if you’ve been out of commission for a while, it can be difficult to get back into your healthy routine. Whether you were a regular gym attendee before your injury or illness or you weren’t particularly active, a personal trainer can help you get into a fitness routine that improves your health, speeds up your recovery, and makes sure you are working out safely.

Workouts With A Personal Trainer Help You To:

Build Your Muscles
If you have suffered an illness or injury, you have likely needed to stay sedentary for a while. When you try to get back to your regular routine, your muscles will not be as strong as they were before the incident. To get back to the same level of fitness as before your illness or injury, you will need to gradually build up your muscles so that you can once again regain regular functions. If you’ve injured a certain area, you may need to work on that particular area to build muscle. For example, if you’ve broken your leg you may need to work to ensure both legs have similar strength. If you have been ill, you may need to build various muscle groups. A personal trainer can help you focus on the area you need to build muscle so that you can have targeted workouts and timely but safe results.

Increase Mobility
If you have not been using a part of your body while it heals, this area will likely have decreased mobility. Between the lack of movement and any buildup of scar tissue during the healing process, you may find it difficult to move compared to before your injury. By working with a personal trainer, you can address your injury site and gradually work to help this area increase mobility. Your personal trainer will ensure you don’t push yourself too hard and aggravate the injury. Working on your troubled area will help to increase mobility while building muscle so that you can move like normal again.

Decrease Pain
Improving your strength can help decrease your pain in several ways. First of all, increased muscle strength offers more support for your body and other muscle groups. For example, if you have back pain, it can be because your core muscles are weak and your back muscles are working extra hard to provide the support your core is not providing. Second of all, some exercises help to regenerate lost muscle cells and improve joint health, helping to relieve pain. And finally, building muscles helps to increase your body’s natural healing process, especially since workouts help to increase blood flow, allowing greater amounts of oxygen and nutrients to circulate through your body.

Improve Mental Health
When you have been ill or injured, particularly if it has altered your participation or enjoyment of life, it can lead to changes in your mental health. Many people tend to experience depression or anxiety if they have been suffering from pain, weakness, a lack of mobility, or continued feelings of helplessness. By partnering with a personal trainer, you will begin to regain your sense of control over your body and your physical abilities, while also increasing the release of endorphins to boost your mood. While starting an exercise program is exceptionally difficult when you are experiencing a depressive or anxious state, a personal trainer can help you find the motivation to start your journey and they can encourage your healing, both physically and mentally. To learn more about the relationship between physical and mental health, read Mental Health Week: The Connection Between Exercise And Mental Health.

A Personal Trainer Can Aid In Your Recovery

When a person is injured or becomes sick, it will impact both physical and mental health. Even though this is when working out seems the hardest, fitness is crucial to a safe, speedy recovery. Working with one of the knowledgeable personal trainers from Dreambody Fitness will help you to stay motivated and practice safe workouts so that you can continue your healing journey. To partner with a personal trainer who can help you regain your mobility and improve your quality of life, contact Dreambody Fitness by calling 1-403-612-3538 or by filling out our online contact form


Q: What can I expect from my first session with a personal trainer?
A: Before your first session, you will be asked about your personal goals during a free consultation. This will determine what your personal trainer plans for your first session and how they will customize your workouts. For more information, read What To Expect During Your First In-Gym Personal Training Session.

Q: Does my training session need to be in person?
A: No. If you’re recovering from an illness and don’t want to be exposed to other people, there are online personal training solutions available. While there are benefits to having an in-person session, trainers can still provide the motivation and positive reinforcement you need in online delivery.

Q: How often should I exercise if I am just starting?
A: If you are just starting your exercise journey, get yourself into a routine where you are not forcing yourself to work out. Go for a short walk once per day or stretch in the mornings to get started with your routine. If you begin to build consistency, then you can start adding in strenuous exercise routines more often. If you are recovering from an injury or illness, follow the advice of your doctor and physical therapist.

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