Thanks to Kimberly Snyder for the delicious recipe!



-       2 cups walnuts

-       3 cups of pitted dates

-       1 cup coconut flakes, finely ground

Pit the dates yourself, extracting each pit and discarding. Add the dates, coconut flakes and walnuts to the food processor and mix on high until thoroughly mixed.

Press the mixture into the bottom and sides of a pie tray. Set to the side.


-    2/3 cup filtered water

-       1 cup raw pecans, soaked about 15 minutes

-       1 cup organic Thompson raisins

-       1 Tbs. vanilla extract

-       1 tsp. nutmeg

-       1/3 cup raw coconut nectar or maple syrup

-       1 tsp. Celtic sea salt


Blend all ingredients together in the blender until smooth. Pour onto the crust of the tray, and garnish with fresh, raw pecans.

Set in freezer overnight, or for at least 5 hours before serving. Remove from freezer for about 10 minutes or so (depending on your freezer) to let it thaw a bit.



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