No matter how good your intentions, losing weight can be very challenging. One of the best ways of overcoming any hurdles in your weight loss program is by setting achievable and realistic goals.

Mapping out your goals are important because they:

  • allow you to easily measure your progress.
  • give you direction in your weight loss journey.
  • provide you with a clear idea of what you want to achieve.
  • make you motivated to stick with your long term weight loss plans.

Overcome Any Weight Loss Challenges With Our Calgary Personal Trainers

At DreamBody, our experienced and qualified personal trainers can help you achieve any weight loss goals you set! Whether you want to work out at the gym or from the comfort of your own home, we use tailored weight loss and nutrition programs to give you the dramatic, quick and permanent results you want!



Tips For Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals

Every year, as the year comes to an end, many Calgarians lay out what they want to accomplish in the new year. For many, weight loss is at the top of the list. But unless you know how to set realistic weight-loss goals, you will face many challenges from the get-go.

Here are four simple ways to set attainable weight loss goals that you can actually follow through with!

1. Set Smart Goals

Simple. Measurable. Achievable. Realistic. Timely. These are all characteristics of a SMART goal. When it comes to losing weight, make sure that any goals you set for yourself are properly mapped out and include details such as:

  • how many pounds you want to lose (taking into account that the maximum weight you can lose safely is 2 pounds per week).
  • what methods you want to use (your weight loss program and meal plans).
  • short-term and long-term milestones.

Remember: Setting SMART goals brings structure and trackability into your weight loss program, making it that much more likely that you will achieve the results you want.


2. Don’t Just Set Weight Loss Goals but Life Goals

Anyone who has tried to lose weight (and succeeded) will tell you that weight loss is not just about counting calories or working out at the gym, but about making lifestyle changes that last in the long term.

Steps To Take When Revamping Your Lifestyle

  • Take time to prepare your meals beforehand, as this will ensure you always eat healthy.
  • Stay hydrated throughout the day.
  • Don’t do other things while you’re eating (e.g watching TV or checking Instagram).
  • Make breakfast a priority.
  • Stick to a good sleep schedule.
  • Keep a food journal.

Staying away from fad diets and choosing to change your lifestyle can promote long-lasting weight loss and help you get healthier overall.


3. Be Positive

It’s no secret how big a challenge weight loss can be but remember, you can only meet your goals if you stay positive. Think and visualize your success and sooner or later, you’ll get there.

The secret to successful weight loss? Hard work, discipline and patience will help you stick to your long-term weight loss program and ensure that you succeed. If you're finding this tough, adding mindset training to your regimen might help you overcome your motivation hurdles.


4. Get Support

No matter how well your set your weight loss goals, going at it alone can become quite a big challenge. Whether you are a regular at the gym or you’re just starting out, getting support from a personal trainer can make a HUGE difference.

This is because a personal trainer will:

  • keep you motivated, even during the hardest parts of your program
  • push you harder and grow your strength and fitness
  • tweak your current weight loss program to make sure it’s effective and working for you
  • help you create and reach achievable goals
  • make sure you are using proper form so you don’t injure yourself


Call Today

To find out more about our customized weight loss programs and how our personal trainers can help you meet all your nutrition and fitness goals, contact our Calgary gym at 403-612-3538 or fill in our online contact form.

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