Why It Is Important To Have Strong Glutes

The gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus are by far one of the largest and strongest groups of muscles in your body. They work together with your hamstrings to extend, rotate, and abduct the hip as well as stabilize your pelvis. Without this group of muscles, doing much of anything like squatting or jumping that involves the lower body, would be very difficult. Many people train their glutes for the aesthetic appeal and to achieve buns of steel, however, there are many other health benefits that training your glutes can provide such as reduced back-pain and better posture. This article will look at the main benefits of training your glutes, other than for aesthetic purposes. 

If you are interested in starting your fitness or weight loss journey but don’t know where to start, contact our amazing team of personal trainers at Dreambody Fitness. Our personal training programs are designed to increase your physical performance to give you sustainable results long-term. We offer weight loss programs and online personal training programs as well to accommodate your lifestyle and help you reach your personal goals. To learn more about our transforming personal training and weight loss programs, contact our team by calling (403) 612-3538 or by filling out our online contact form.

3 Benefits Of Training Your Glutes

Better Posture

As a consequence of sitting around too often and looking down at phone screens and computer screens all day, many people suffer from poor posture. Tight, shortened hip flexors and weak glutes that “forget” how to activate correctly all contribute to the most commonly observed postural deviation known as swayback, Swayback occurs when the lower back curves inwards too much and therefore pushes your hips forwards. Forward-tilting hips may create the illusion of a “gut” even in the absence of excess abdomen fat. Training your glutes will make them stronger and more capable of naturally holding your body in proper alignment. Your glutes extend your spine and basically pull you up into a straight upright postural position. 

Reduced Knee Pain

Your lower extremities from your hips all the way down to your feet work in a closed chain system. Your gluteus muscles are responsible for pelvic stability and therefore play an essential role in ensuring proper muscle function and activation in the other lower extremity muscle groups. For example, if an injury or some type of instability occurs at your hip, this could lead to excessive force on the knee and ankle. When the glutes are not strong enough to perform or compensate for an injury, other muscle groups will have to kick in to help. Over time, these smaller muscle groups will become overstressed resulting in pain and compression in the knees, lumbar spine, and hips. Weak glute muscles can also cause poor alignment of the entire lower body leaving you prone to injuries such as ACL tears, shin splints, and tears and sprains of your IT band. 

Improved Athletic Performance

The gluteus muscle group is capable of generating enormous amounts of power. This power can be translated into sports-specific acceleration, endurance, and speed. Training your glutes will also improve your ability to run, jump, and perform daily tasks with ease. Many sport disciplines such as skiing, running, and swimming, all emphasize the importance of strength training your glutes. As a huge potential source of power, athletes train this muscle group to improve their performance and for injury prevention purposes.

Calgary’s Best Team Of Personal Trainers

Round, perky glutes play a huge role in aesthetics, however, there are many other reasons why you should train your glutes. Training your glutes will help you have better posture and reduced back pain and aches, will increase your athletic performance and the ability to complete everyday tasks with ease, and will help with injury prevention. It does not matter if you are an athlete or not either as all humans need to have strong glutes in order to have proper back and hip stabilization that enables us to do everything from swinging a golf club to sitting down on the toilet. 

If you are interested in increasing your lower body strength or are wanting to make a change in your life to increase your strength and lose weight, contact Dreambody Fitness today. From customized workout plans to regular check-ins, and around-the-clock support, our online and in-gym personal trainers at Dreambody Fitness can help you shed pounds, build muscle, hold you accountable, and improve your fitness in record time.  To learn more about our weight loss programs and personal training, contact us by calling (403) 612-3538 or by filling out our online contact form.


Q: How often should I train my glutes?
A: How often you should train your glutes will depend on your current level of fitness and your goals. Typically, it is recommended that you train your glutes and lower body at least twice per week.

Q: What type of diet should I be eating to train my glutes?
A: What type of diet you will eat will all depend on your fitness goals. If you are still trying to lose weight, it might be better for you to eat a calorie-deficit diet rather than a calorie-surplus diet to help you reach your desired weight. If you are ready to pack on muscle and increase your glute strength, you will most-likely have to eat a calorie-surplus diet to pack on muscle mass.

Q: How long do I need to exercise to see results?
A: Seeing results from exercising will heavily depend on each person. Most individuals see results after 12 weeks of consistent exercise and diet.

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